History of the JTMOS Project (from: jtmos.sourceforge.net)

The JTMOS Project Website - Files Depot

  • Old website

  • jtm32-230903.tar.bz2

  • altse-231107.tar.gz

    Webdesign (C)2001 Jari Tapio Tuominen

    Here you can leech some of my graphic converting utilities, if you use these then please credit me, thank you.
    All utilities were done by Jari Tapio Tuominen(me), also known as Jer of Panic. Distributed under GPL public license.
    Send comments, reports to science.fiction@pp.nic.fi
    Correction: all of applications here work for C64, not that those would actually run on the actual machine.
    Here's utilities that run under MS-DOS(386 with atleast 2M memory required)  :
    Note: These's four utilities are all graphic manipulation utilities/or viewers :
    CHCO - Different kind of converter, it converts bitmap pictures to character/screen format, it is especially good for simple or small bitmap pictures.
    MKAN - A powerful animation generator (Generates C64 compatible animations files from BMP/PCX still images)
    PLAY - PC version of the C64 animation player
    PLAYERPACK - Player collection of all versions of my animation player for C64(REU/HDD/RAM,etc..)
    Here's some X to X converters(graphical) :
    FS2BMP - This utility converts a screen and a font into a BITMAP format, it converts back to the format CHCO converted the screen/font from.
    RAW2MU - Converts RAW 320x200 8bit greyscale image to multicolor 160x200 4c
    RAW2HI - Converts RAW 320x200 8bit greyscale image to hires 320x200 2c
    RAW2IHI - Converts RAW 320x200 8bit greyscale image to interlaced hires 640x200 2c
    Here is the AUDIO converters(RAW unsigned PCM formats only supported) :
    Note: These utilities use noise dithering when converting from x to 4, it can be in some cases switched off, follow the instructions, when available...
    4to8 - Converts from 4bit to 8bit
    8to4 - Converts from 8bit to 4bit
    16to4 - Converts from 16bit to 4bit
    4to16 - Converts from 4bit to 16bit
    and rest of the audio tools :
    winfo - Displays neccesary information about [.wav] files, sometimes needed :)
    ILINK - For more information, read the program manual displayed when running the program.
    ICONVE - This utility converts 320x200 or 160x200 256C(16 colors used out of 256) color images that contain 16C VIC palette, the rest of 256 colors should be black, the ICONVE package also contains many palettes for PSP(Paint Shop Pro, from Jasc), you'll need these... I prefer ESPECIALLY to use PSP with this utility. Also note that the source image is RAW image and is allways exactly 64000 bytes long. The program doesn't check anything, so you should check the source image size before running it. If you want to download only the palettes, get this package HERE
    RTA - JTMOS: RTA shareware version 2.0  (C)1998 by Jari Tuominen, all rights reserved.
    Quick review of program:
          This program converts binary files to ASCII,
          remember to get registed version, support us.
    Usage: [option] [source file] [output file]
    In place of [option] you can write:
    C        Defines output format as ANSI C standard.
    INC      Defines output format as PC, Borland Turbo Assembler standard
    A64      Defines output format as C-64, Turbo Assembler V3 SEQ/TXT
    Thanks for using Mylly Productions utilities, for more software: 
    Here's utilities that run on C64 & JTMOS :
    Check out ftp.scs-trc.net for more my releases, f.e. about over ten C64 demos, with average lenghts from one minute to 5 minutes(approx.).

    JTMOS 32-bit operating system
    You can download JTMOS here :
    32-bit kernel version 0.0.1 sources
    Note: no workability of the operating system is guaranted, use at your own response, we take no respondsibility for any of the harm that might be caused of the testing our kernel or anything related to it made by us. See GPL general public license for further information.

    Applications for The i486 JTMOS 32-Bit

    No applications are available at the present moment. The kernel will support applications shortly, but currently most of the applications are simple 'built in' kernel applications, which run in ring0, and are used for testing purposes only (such as the system maintance shell, SMSH)



    There are some good things which I managed to finish :
    • Fix a Floppy driver to work with the kernel, I fixed it by hand, compiled it to the kernel.
    • Completely reprogrammed the malloc system! It is now working well(I am referring to the latest tests I made with it). The new malloc v2 replaces the old sysmem.c with malloc.c. The new malloc also comes with new special chunk optimizer, which keeps the memory well managed, and optimal. Without the optimizer, there would be huge fragmentions in the malloc system...
    • I made a small VGA test program, it is a plasma effect, it uses two a simple formula :
      power = sin(sin(x+xm) + sin(y+ym) + sin(x+xm2) + sin(y+ym2) + sin(cycle));

    Somethings I changed in my plans :
    • I decided that VGA support will be first of all limited to 640x480 with 2 colors, this is much faster and easier videomode to program at. BUT, the VGA library still has support for about 20 videomodes, including f.e. 320x200 with 256 COLORS.

    Things which I will eventually do next, high in priority :
    • Floppy drive related test utility with an ability to test the floppy drive workability
    • Filesystem(JTMFS) portability to all data sources(Floppy, RAM, etc.)
    • Support for binary drivers(non-dynamic drivers), which can later function as /dev/xxxx sources
    • Allow running simple applications from Floppy/RamDisk(Seperate code segment(CS) for each of these)

    Project is advancing averagely well, I managed to successfully port the Tauron VGA library to the present JTMOS environment. The guestion that still reminds is the testing and f.e. the way of how the library maps the memory. I have estimately calculated that a 640x480 16c graphics mode takes about 640*480/2=153,600 bytes of memory, which is exactly 150 kilobytes.
    The problem currently is to make a simple 640x480 16C mode plotter to work properly, well first of all I have to figure out how the memory is mapped, I already know that the video memory(as I expected), starts from linear address 0xa0000, which is a common place for it.
    I can imagine the first 64K of the videoram is mapped atleast, though I am not sure about the rest of it.
    After I got the VGA working well, I will have to make the floppy work next, which'll be quite something to do. My worst rumours of it is that the DMA won't be an easy thing to make work(I'll be using the GAZOS example for beginning).
    *** Introduction to the reborn JTMOS32 project ***
    What JTMOS can do currently ?
    • Bootloader(1.44M 3½ floppys)
    • Succesful IDT/GDT, protected mode intialization
    • malloc / free support
    • timer, pic chip support
    • 80x25 terminal support
    • Terminal library can do countless numbers of virtual terminals(in theory, but not yet implemented)
    • System maintance shell

    Things that are currently underbuilding, and aren't working properly yet :
    • VGA display adapter support(graphic mode support upto 640x480 16 colors)
    • Floppy support
    • HDD support
    • Multiple threads / Allows simple multitasking
    • JTMOS 16bit is also being developed, but JTMOS 32bit is currently our main priority project, which is aimed to work as primary solution for the head point of this project.
    Note: a complete list of credits of all code we used is coming later, we apperciate all help we got, and well be giving it a big value in the future too.

    JTMOS !! If you have any guestions to ask, please let me know Thats me (:-)§§


    Who am I ?
    Hello dear people, my name is Jari. I have been hardly working on my i486 based JTMOS operating system for now about two or three years *, but because of my duties like the conscious objection in the city of the Jyväskylä's sportservices center, and my work there as network/computer support person, I have lacked the time to really put all of my time on the JTMOS project.
    Some of work results of my one year work at the sportservices
    The sportservices feedback form
    Besides I am currently missing a real job, since my conscious objection(siviilipalvelus) ends at the sportservices.
    I like programming in C/C++, Perl, those are one of my favourites, I can write programs in pascal language too, but that is not one of my best languages I know, basic is no problem at all.
    I also know Visual C++ 5.0 somewhat, I made an animation player for my own animation format(aka MKAN format) with it for Windows 95/NT. Plus some other small applications, I studied MFC alot, it looks quite useful indeed.
    I also like to make webpages from time to time. At the sportservices I have been making variant kind of webpages, that includes the webpage above, which is a simple feedback form(see also the finnish version of it).
    I know something about java, basically how to compile programs in java, I made a simple graphical effect with java once, and so on. It looked pretty simple, I think it only takes sometime for me to figure it out so I can make some more serious applications with it, I see Java2 is today very popular.
    * I began to develope The JTMOS project about 7 years ago..

    Check out here the perl scripts which I have made

    Contact information :

    Mail address:
    Jari Tuominen
    Niittytie 18C
    40250 Jyväskylä

    E-MAIL: jari.t.tuominen@gmail.com

    Phonenumber +358 NIITTYKOTI
    (E-Mail preferred)
    My CV paper



    Code & graphics by Jari Tapio Tuominen, aka Jer E-mail
    Music by Jeff, E-mail

    [ DOWNLOAD ]

    Old programmers never die. They just branch to a new address.
