GNU/Linux ja Maemo on tuttu minulle. I am very familiar with Maemo. |
Name: Jari Tuominen.
Profession: Software Engineer, journalist on business news.
B.D. 30/05/1980, Jyväskylä. (E-MAIL)
Living in Finland permanently. City: Jyväskylä. Willing to move to
another city/nation for work/business.
English into Finnish translation, 2003 - 2012, more than 10,000 pages
-,, others. - 2011 - present freelancer project, a critical
financial website on the world macroeconomics. Special interests of
the news are legendary investor Jim Rogers from the Rogers Holdings
and EuroPacific Capital president Peter Schiff. Mr. Tuominen is being
endorsed by the Euro Pacific Capital.
Axxion Oy, summer 2010, Software Engineer, duration temporarily a month.
Feeltainment Oy, Software Engineer / System Administrator
(Perl/Apache/Linux/Debian/Ubuntu), 4/2009 - 31/9/2009 .
Digia Plc 1/2009 - 3/2009, Software Engineer (C++, Nokia Maemo/Nokia
(TrollTech) QT/GTK+), .
Experience Gained: ScratchBox, Maemo, GTK+ (autoconf, migration to
Nokia (TrollTech) QT), QT -software development (qmake, QTWebKit
specific JavaScript/HTML programming, user interface design, qmake),
C++ objective programming. New Ubuntu Linux distribution knowledge.
Symarctic Solutions Oy 12/2008 - 3/2009, Software Engineer (C++, Nokia
Maemo Linux/QT/GTK+), .
Ab Sesca Mobile Software Oy (Ab Sesca Technologies Oy), Software
Designer, 4/2007 - 8/2008 (Ubuntu, Nokia Maemo/Nokia (TrollTech)
QT/GTK+), .
Experience Gained: ScratchBox, Nokia Maemo Linux, GTK+, Nokia
(TrollTech) QT -software development (user interface design /
autoconf), Objective C / C. New Ubuntu Linux distribution knowledge.
Relevant Point Oy, Trafficker / PHP & MySQL programmer, 12/2006 -
2/2007 (, the largest youth social networking site
in Finland), .
Finnish Korea Association 2003(part-time, Linux administration,
editor), .
Non-profit freelancer, Social Network Website Developer / Designer
(PHP/Perl/MySQL/XSL/Java/Python) - several client projects from dating
websites to massive social networking websites.
City of Jyväskylä, IT support, 2000-2001, .
Skill Name, Actively Used Since, Skill Level, Experience
SCRUM/Agile/WaterFall*, since 2007*, Expert
Windows, since 1990, Expert, more than 48 months
C/C++ since 1996, Expert, more than 48 months,
C#, since 2009, Novice, 3 months
Linux, since 1996, Expert, more than 48 months,
Perl, since 1996, Expert about hundred months
PHP, Expert, since 2006
QT, since 2007, Expert, 12 months
GTK+, since 2007, Expert, 24 months
HTML, since 1994, Expert, about hundred months
Apache (Apache 1.x & 2.x), since 2003, Expert, over 70 months
Java, since 2003, Advanced, 4 months
Perl, since 2005, Expert, 48 months
MySQL, since 2006, Expert, 24 months
Microsoft Visual Studio (MFC/WinAPI), Expert, 60 months
ASP/.NET, since 2009, Novice, 6 months
Virtualization: VMware/QEMU, Expert, over 24 months
English to Finnish to English translation, Expert, since early 2000s
Plus several other technologies and skills not mentioned here.
+ Finnish (native).
+ English (fluent, listening, speaking, reading and writing ).
In my past, I have been working in customer service, IT support (City
of Jyväskylä, 2000- 2001), programming/design, and marketing (2007). I
have created various websites for smaller businesses and non-profit
organizations. For example one of the websites I have created has
approximately over 5000 unique daily visitors.
During 2002-2005 I spent a significant amount of time in my largest
programming projects such as the JTMOS operating system project.
Latest focus has been on working a fully functional virtual file
In year 2006 I began working on a search engine project targeted for
small businesses and organizations. A demonstration website is up at
address: (
However, practically Altse is a non-profit open source project at the
moment being, as is written in the respectful FreshMeat
( and SourceForge (SF.NET) -project websites.
A free webspace provider system is also one of my side work (have
several free-customers, non-profit):
- Finnish Elementary School (Cygneaus./Viitaniemi, Finland).
- Trade School (Analogic Electronics, Jamsajokilaakson Ammattikoulu,
Finland), NC.
- Information Technology & Small Business Economics (AMIEDU), NC.
OTHER (other skills etc.)
- Working as a long-term journalist for over five years (non-profit).
- Experienced in translation/lipsynch of Korean (Hangul, one-script),
Chinese (Simplified Chinese), Vietnamese, Russian, and German musics.
Over three years experience of Sony Vegas professional video editor
- Speciality in English to Finnish to English translation with several
years of experience.
- Personally recognized in the Vietnamese Journal of Information
Technology & Communications.
Axxion Oy, summer 2010, Software Engineer, duration temporarily a month.
Feeltainment Oy, Software Engineer / System Administrator
Digia Plc 1/2009 - 3/2009, Software Engineer (C++, Nokia Maemo/Nokia
(TrollTech) QT/GTK+), .
Nokia (TrollTech) QT), QT -software development (qmake, QTWebKit
specific JavaScript/HTML programming, user interface design, qmake),
C++ objective programming. New Ubuntu Linux distribution knowledge.
Symarctic Solutions Oy 12/2008 - 3/2009, Software Engineer (C++, Nokia
Maemo Linux/QT/GTK+), .
Ab Sesca Mobile Software Oy (Ab Sesca Technologies Oy), Software
Designer, 4/2007 - 8/2008 (Ubuntu, Nokia Maemo/Nokia (TrollTech)
QT/GTK+), .
Experience Gained: ScratchBox, Nokia Maemo Linux, GTK+, Nokia
(TrollTech) QT -software development (user interface design /
autoconf), Objective C / C. New Ubuntu Linux distribution knowledge.
Relevant Point Oy, Trafficker / PHP & MySQL programmer, 12/2006 -
2/2007 (, the largest youth social networking site
in Finland), .
Finnish Korea Association 2003(part-time, Linux administration,
editor), .
Non-profit freelancer, Social Network Website Developer / Designer
websites to massive social networking websites.
City of Jyväskylä, IT support, 2000-2001, .
Skill Name, Actively Used Since, Skill Level, Experience
SCRUM/Agile/WaterFall*, since 2007*, Expert
Windows, since 1990, Expert, more than 48 months
C/C++ since 1996, Expert, more than 48 months,
C#, since 2009, Novice, 3 months
Linux, since 1996, Expert, more than 48 months,
Perl, since 1996, Expert about hundred months
PHP, Expert, since 2006
QT, since 2007, Expert, 12 months
GTK+, since 2007, Expert, 24 months
HTML, since 1994, Expert, about hundred months
Apache (Apache 1.x & 2.x), since 2003, Expert, over 70 months
Java, since 2003, Advanced, 4 months
Perl, since 2005, Expert, 48 months
MySQL, since 2006, Expert, 24 months
Microsoft Visual Studio (MFC/WinAPI), Expert, 60 months
ASP/.NET, since 2009, Novice, 6 months
Virtualization: VMware/QEMU, Expert, over 24 months
English to Finnish to English translation, Expert, since early 2000s
Plus several other technologies and skills not mentioned here.
+ Finnish (native).
+ English (fluent, listening, speaking, reading and writing ).
In my past, I have been working in customer service, IT support (City
of Jyväskylä, 2000- 2001), programming/design, and marketing (2007). I
have created various websites for smaller businesses and non-profit
organizations. For example one of the websites I have created has
approximately over 5000 unique daily visitors.
During 2002-2005 I spent a significant amount of time in my largest
programming projects such as the JTMOS operating system project.
Latest focus has been on working a fully functional virtual file
In year 2006 I began working on a search engine project targeted for
small businesses and organizations. A demonstration website is up at
address: (
However, practically Altse is a non-profit open source project at the
moment being, as is written in the respectful FreshMeat
( and SourceForge (SF.NET) -project websites.
A free webspace provider system is also one of my side work (have
several free-customers, non-profit):
- Finnish Elementary School (Cygneaus./Viitaniemi, Finland).
- Trade School (Analogic Electronics, Jamsajokilaakson Ammattikoulu,
Finland), NC.
- Information Technology & Small Business Economics (AMIEDU), NC.
OTHER (other skills etc.)
- Working as a long-term journalist for over five years (non-profit).
- Experienced in translation/lipsynch of Korean (Hangul, one-script),
Chinese (Simplified Chinese), Vietnamese, Russian, and German musics.
Over three years experience of Sony Vegas professional video editor
- Speciality in English to Finnish to English translation with several
years of experience.
- Personally recognized in the Vietnamese Journal of Information
Technology & Communications.
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