Jari Tuominen: Curriculum Vitae: An Ordinary Rehab Habitant living in Jyväskylä: Also a Kim and Putin Fan

I am An Ordinary Person Living in Rehab Home:
Own Over 100 Websites:
Internet Rules:
Freedom is Eternal

Jari Tuominen available for hiring:

software engineer:


IRC/Photos: https://irc-galleria.net/user/Jari--

Tässä pari linkkiä valoittamaan JTMOS ja ALTSE -projekteja.
ALTSE - Official Demo Website for the Alternative Search Engine
ALTSE - spym.fi -haku, kyllä teidän sivunne täällä:
ALTSE - hakemisto
ALTSE:n hakemisto vie niin paljon tilaa että se on erillisellä palvelimella:
VUNET / Kultakaivos (sain 1000 euron lainan tätä vasten):
Lisäksi Sony Vegasilla tehtyjä videoita:
Tv. Jari Tuominen

JTMOS Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
ADDRESS: Myllylammentie 2-4 A1
PROFESSIONAL GOAL: To investigate the hardware and software capability
of X86 processors, but would like to do less work alone than in the
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Project-chief, lead-programmer, programmer,
designer, graphician, software tester, photographer and travel for
JTMOS, working in the field since 1996
JTMOS stands for "Jari Tuominen's Minimal Operating System". The JTMOS
operating system project aims to create a fully functional
multitasking x86 operating system. It primarily targets low-end
systems with small hard disks, preferably i586 family or newer.
Currently focus in the project is on communication, TCP/IP stack, and
building up FAT file system support. JTMOS mimics some features from
Linux-style operating systems like the root directory system. JTMOS
can already boot up from DOS, or independently from hard disk or
floppy disk with its own custom bootloader.
Embedded TCP/IP communication
Compatibility with a low-end 486 PC (hardware support)
Unique file system (JTMFS)
Unique memory management system
System threads
Turbo C compatible LIBC (CONIO). Try CONIO with threads !
Boot loader compatible with hard disk (boots up from HD)
Basic ISA devices support
DMA support
IRQ management
Built-in virtual terminal support
Built-in multiple-graphical-sscreens support
Own VGA library
Automated memory trash remover (saves RAM), counter-zombie methods.
Graphical user desktop
Applications can run in seperate memory space
Dynamic runtime linking
EDUCATION: Project-chief trained by the best and most famous C/C++,
database, video, Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, ATI, IBM, Commodore, Amiga,
Nokia, Linux, Windows programming literacy during years of project
development at home Myllylammentie 2-4 A1.
Adapt well to challenging environments
Nimble with new media, regularly updating my website, Twitter and Facebook
SourceForge , FreeCode http://freecode.com/projects/jtmos

Jari Tuominen - Curriculum Vitae
In my past, I have been working in customer service, IT support (City
of Jyväskylä, 2000- 2001), programming/design, and marketing (2007). I
have created various websites for smaller businesses and non-profit
organizations. For example one of the websites I have created has
approximately over 5000 unique daily visitors.
During 2002-2005 I spent a significant amount of time in my largest
programming projects such as the JTMOS operating system project.
Latest focus has been on working a fully functional virtual file
In year 2006 I began working on a search engine project targeted for
small businesses and organizations. A demonstration website is up at
address: www.altse.vunet.org.cn (www.altse.co.nr)
However, practically Altse is a non-profit open source project at the
moment being, as is written in the respectful FreshMeat
(FreshMeat.net) and SourceForge (SF.NET) -project websites.
A free webspace provider system is also one of my side work (have
several free-customers, non-profit): www.cool.vunet.org.cn
  • Finnish Elementary School (Cygneaus./Viitaniemi, Finland).
  • Trade School (Analogic Electronics, Jamsajokilaakson Ammattikoulu,
    Finland), NC.
  • Information Technology & Small Business Economics (AMIEDU), NC.
OTHER (other skills etc.)
  • Working as a long-term journalist for over five years (non-profit).
  • Experienced in translation/lipsynch of Korean (Hangul, one-script),
    Chinese (Simplified Chinese), Vietnamese, Russian, and German musics.
    Over three years experience of Sony Vegas professional video editor
  • Speciality in English to Finnish to English translation with several
    years of experience.
  • Personally recognized in the Vietnamese Journal of Information
    Technology & Communications.
