Jari Tapio Tuominen / Curriculum Vitae / CV (ansioluottelo), Year 2021 | Finland

Philosophical Lead Software Engineer - Manager of Two Major Software Projects


Linux 1996.

 Alias Jer of Panic Inc. / Demoscene / Commodore 64

 Jari Tapio Tuominen / CV, Year 2020, Suomi-Finland

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Jari Tapio Tuominen, 41 years old male (D.O.B. 30/05/1980)
Preference For Challenging Linux work - lead preferance.

Telelphone: +358-44-925-99332


Editor-in-Chief, Vaihtoehtouutiset (www.vunetfinland.com), 2000-2021
POPULAR NEWS PORTAL achieved a million visitors, a long-term goal: Built a global news portal with business news.
Translated more than 20 thousand news articles from English to Finnish.

Editor-in-Chief, Kultakaivos, 2007-2015

CTO Chief of Technology, Vaihtoehtouutiset (www.vunetfinland.com), 2000-2021

PHP, Perl, MySQL, HTML, JavaScript, Dynamic HTML, HTML4 / HTML5.

A Major Linux system development and administration.

  • Axxion Oy, 30 days, 4/2010 (Linux)
Developing TCP/IP applications on Perl.
  • GloryOfFellowLand.com (Linux), 120 days, 4/2009

Work on an online gaming system, developed at the core.

  • Symartic (Digia), 60 days, 12/2008 – 1/2009: Maemo environment (Linux, subcontractor)
  • Sesca Technologies Oy, SW Designer, 4/2007 – 6/2008 (Linux, Nokia subcontractor)
First assigned task. To be part of the Daisy Initiative where work focused on developing an application for the Maemo environment, using the Hildon / GTK / gstreamer APIs, virtualized Scratchbox testing environment, and Nokia N800 device. Most programming of the project were made in C programming language.

Relevant Point Oy, Trafficker / PHP & MySQL programmer, 12/2006 – 2/2007 (Linux, commercial result of work: www.irc-galleria.net)
  • City of Jyväskylä, IT support, 2000-2001 (Commercial result of work: Perl-rendered Macromedia Flash -enhanced Multimedia CDROM Project). http://www.jyvaskyla.fi

Inventor of JTMOS, Microkernel Project (Linux):

Inventor of Altse: Internet Search Engine with Custom C-language Coded Database (Linux):


  • Ohjelmistoinsinööri, Koodari, Coder, Koodi, Code, Ketterä, Sovellukset, ASP.NET, rakentaminen, rakentaa, rakennus, C#, Koodi, yhteistyö, data, Design, kehitys, tekniikka, ympäristö, Jaava, Java, javascript, tuntemus, mobile, NET, Tuote, projektit, Ohjelmisto, ratkaisut, SQL, Tiimi, Technologies, teknologiat, Testaus, Työkalut, verkko

  • Software Engineer, Coder, Coding Code, Agile, Applications, ASP.NET, Build, C#, Code, Collaborate, Data, Design, Development, Engineering, Environment, Java, Javascript, Knowledge, Mobile, .NET, Product, Projects, Software, Solutions, SQL, Team, Technologies, Testing, Tools, Web

(C) 2020 by JARI TUOMINEN (jari.t.tuominen@gmail.com).
